MahaRishi Tapasya |
Brief Description :
DSji says. Cash based system is suitable for foreign nations in current era and India needs a system that suits the Indian nation. For example certain Middle-east nation "Religion influenced Capitalist model" is suited for those nation with old oil and/or religion basis money and those nations who get backing and aid from that "oil and/or religion basis" money. That model is unsuitable for Indian mentality.
What is (KYA Hein) Cashless Cooperatives -
DSji says, Cashless is NOT plastic or chip based transactional OR technological system. It is an non-technical concept for better living that was given by Rishis. Neither it is paper or coin money. Cashless cooperatives is money or cash freed economy. Since we cannot have it overnight to end Colonized cash based economy. We are proposing that Cashless cooperatives will produce more than they need to give away the excess to 10% Colonized Cash Economy for FREE. Excess produce means enough produce to meet all needs of 10%. As they (the 10% ) will provide all that the 90% needs in terms of the tools and R & D for FREE. The tools also include "input goods and services" that the 90% cashless cooperatives economy needs to produce (and survive) and cannot make it today. The 10% cash based colonized economy will provide tools and R & D to 90% for FREE that they cannot produce/make today.Maybe, 10% cash based colonized cash economy will be healed someday to do what 90% do the cashless cooperative ways.
Be it age old methods or new methods. All those METHODS/TOOLS need to be provided to farmers and CASHLESS COOPERATIVES FOR FREE !!!
The methods and tools SHOULD BE GIVEN FOR FREE TO FARMERs and cashless cooperatives !!!We give them(cashless cooperatives) all methods and tools for free and they give back their excess produce for free. It is CASHLESS WAY India used to exist. Strength of economy cannot be determined by paper money and just GDP. Or, their intensity of radicalism. That is a faulty measurement. It is determined by ECONOMIC SYSTEM GEARED TO REDUCE PEOPLE STRESS and ENHANCE THEIR HAPPINESS.
The fact is, India does have not have Indian economic system yet. India has imported economic system with indian cover.
Yoga helps more when air is not polluted, congestion is not there and much more. Much better can happen when India follows economy that suits India that our Rishis have outlined for India. Whereas, the Netas want to do all the shows that gives publicity and keep their financiers happy.
Cashless cooperatives around village to make it 90% of our Indian economy. It will end AIR-WATER POLLUTION, FOOD POLLUTION, CANCER, STRESS, CONGESTION , money-corruption, slums and so many growing problem.
CASHLESS COOPERATIVE - Unconstrained Sewak Economy -- COMMENTS
Discussion on imported economics unsuitable for India
Rishi Tapasya |
As few are bought out. Majority People will have to reignite the battle of true freedom fighters and that being cashless cooperatives.
Big companies of desh and videsh are THROWING FEW crumbs here and there like xyz FOR PUBLICITY. That will not cut it. For India need to get off these MONEY LORD business of X, Y, Z, etc. we need cashless cooperatives.
Wish Indians could, like those true freedom fighters capable of rejecting COLONIALIST jobs like we did before 1947. Today it is jobs of neo-colonialist desis and videshis. At that time before 1947, village level cash freed cooperatives were still intact and cash based economy had not taken over everywhere like today. People could easily reject jobs from cash based colonial economy that we inherit today and live their entire life in and around village cashless cooperatives. And have all their needs being met. They were not spoilt by non-essential products and services. At present time cash based economy has entrapped villages or rural sector within and around villages as well. Now the neo-colonialist are MONEY LORDS X, Y, Z and Babu controlled Public sector. FREED People need to start cashless cooperatives around villages in big way backed by GOI (especially R & D) under cashless cooperative framework. For cooperatives are us. NOT THEse NEO-COLONIALIST MONEY LORDS who are neo-LORDS. In past we were colonized by 3 middle-east religions and offshoots. Now we have neo-colonialist even after that so called " Indian independence" of 1947. Before 1947, we had lot of people's mind controlled by religion/non-religion colonialism that arrived through middle-east region and those idealogically and economically colonized were separated and used for partition of various kinds.
We/you are SO DEEPLY ENTRENCHED in being cage animal like the pets in cage that i see in market. They cannot survive the natural way any-more. Will die in few days.
ONLY WAY out of this system of MASSIVE POLLUTION of air, water and food IS CASHLESS COOPERATIVE. Apply band-aid over band-aid with more laws and technology will not work. Cashless cooperatives Makes us think outside the colonial window where "best brains of india" (that includes netas, babus and corporate) due to colonization , bad habits ape videsh and are greed trapped. cashlesscooperativesDOTblogspotDOTin
Is Delhi BJP's first experiment, asks CM Kejriwal after Advani says Emergency can happen again
ek Hindustani --
,,India NEEDS REVOLUTION. not xyz-yyz loot cartel and stooges. THIS
seems like fake opposition from xyz leader and yyz to take away the heat against ruling parties. People should rise up for peaceful REVOLUTION for cashless cooperatives without those seeking power or are in power like xyz-yyz-zyz-etc. INDIA NEEDS cashlesscooperatives . blogspot . in
Raj Aggarwal -
What has certain class contributed so far other than lleech over carcasses. Throwing free crumbs here and there to accomplish the unfinished work of colonialist for sake of their own greed.
Can_123 - is people who failed rishis. Rishis gave all the ethics and knowledge for free. Even their bones for war against demonic forces. When people forgot rishis , Asuras took over. Thus today, misguided people look for more doomsday as solution/cure for doomsday. So badly shaken they have become.
Govt proposes tax benefits for credit and debit card paymentsPLASTIC, chip of electronic cash WILL not FIX THE ECONOMY. What is this goofing around. In our realm, Plastic usage DOES NOT MEAN CASHLESS. For us, that is not true. Cashless means NO MONEY USAGE or money freed economy !!! There is TOO MUCH HYPE AND HOOPLAH with every new tech. New tech comes and goes and tried to solve a problem and creates a new one. As problem is non-technical and needs non-technical solution. POLITICIANS ARE FORCING FOREIGN WAYS FOR LONG TIME. All these useless things like over-use of plastic will not help the economy at all. What india needs is non-technological ways of cashless cooperatives as outlined by Indian rishsis - cashlesscooperatives . blogspot . in //Plastic has allowed lot of people to get into debt as well.Now, Almost all hawala and loot money transaction is done by electronic and plastic through fake business transactions. Plastic or chip credit card cannot stop hera feri evil intent. Finally xyz has figured out how foreign nations citizens get into credit card debt ..fools agree.India does not need plastic or electronic cash. It wont fix economy. We need to be money freed. Cashlesscooperatives . Blogspot . In P.S.Radhakrishnan Electronic and plastic make it easy to do black money transaction and get loot money into and within india. Who can transport ship load and truck loads of currency. All double-agents want plastic money to become abundant to provide kickbacks.. WE END ALL BLACK MONEY WHEN we become cash freed or money freed cooperatives. cashlesscooperatives . blogspot . in GO READ ABOUT credit card debt in advanced nations. And how racketeering is happening using all sorts of electronic cash. Manohar Candhade 37 minutes ago Electronic or non-electronic...u dont know ways of legalized thuggery. Things will not work out as long India follow alien ways. it will become more painful as we tangle ourself with electronic transactions. Indians will eventually arrive to the wisdom on Indian Rishsis. this is what is suited for india... cashlesscooperatives . blogspot . in News- Gujarat engineer helps avert dam disaster We consider that over the ground Dam is a faulty concept where under the ground storage of water and under the ground connection between ground water can be by pipes. We pay big for faulty concepts such as dams at wrong places. Once we construct dams over villages. We are Ruining over the land villages and environment. Also there is possibility of flooding. For future build underground concrete pipe network connected to multiple underground storage to move the water around instead of localizing water at one place. Earth can be biggest reservoir and use solar energy to pump out . What more. We can do same for sea water distribution for deep inland saline water farming over floors and thus saving land from saline water flooding. And save fresh water. It is described at different places in Cashlesscooperatives . Blogspot . In |