Monday, 20 April 2015

Dushyantji during visit to India presented his  Vichar to Kalamji at Gymkhana Delhi and  Nitishji office. Intent was to gain their  inputs to make a better political framework.

Wider representation Democracy

Summary for (B.) -
Five most popular MP's representing almost all Indian regions are elected by ruling coalition to make PM council. The PM council nominates the PM.  The PM council can nominate PM from within PM council every year OR can nominate PM from outside PM council. The PM council prepares, approves and assists PM with key national policies. Choice is between (A. ) and (B.)

Details -
(1) Direct election of PM and CM by people like USA will require change of constitution. Similarly, (2) the direct impeachment power in hands of people to remove the elected corrupt and the negligent (non-caring), (3) the fixed term limits for elected and so on will require constitutional change. It will need nothing short of revolution to make it happen.

This time, considering the present day reality, we propose a new stronger political framework for wider representation from remote regions of india ( South, North, East and West). MPs should give preference to their region when they elect member for PM council. Additionally, this will also give chances for smaller parties within ruling coalition to stand strong for their marginalized people when they face off bigger parties. This proposal is practical and pragmatic for current system. I look forward to meeting with you and working with you someday on this proposal.
We are proposing a framework or useful arrangement between the ruling coalition political parties and this proposal does not entail change of constitution for this current proposal. This will certainly help remove certain colonial baggage and colonial hold over our current political framework that we do not need. Aghaar desh kooha videshiyoo kheey changuul sheey nikhalnaa hein. This is a proposal for agreed political framework by ruling coalition and does not change constitution and is very much within the premises of constitution quite like the appointment of PM (who is not an MP) by the ruling coalition Mps.

Framework for STABLE Governance for today
A. Nation level council of PM
By vote from ruling coalition MP, Sabseey (Top most) lokapriya Panch (5) MP Eikh National level “PM council” bhanyengeey. Vooha Panch (5) MP rotate karengeey as acting PM panch saal(year) khey lhiyee.
Mathlab haar eikh MP from “PM council” kooha PM padh sambhalnaa hoogha eikh bhaar panch(5) saal mein. Yaa vooha PM council kheey permission sheey nominate khaar saakthaa hein acting PM eikh saal kheey lhiyee (for his place for a year).
Most likely 5 regions of India, North, South, East, West, Center choose kharengeey MP jooha unkeey region sheey sabhseey Lokapriya (popular) hein. There can also be an agreement within framework kheey vooha haar kosish kharengeey kheey every region kooha representation mhileey.

Council of PM main goals kaaha agenda set kharengeey, policies auraha guidelines bhanayegeey. Appointed Acting yaa Operation PM kheey phas full power hoogey for his term.

B. State level council of CM
Bhilkuul vaisaa hein state level phaar hooga. For example, Bengal mein, State level ruling coalition party (let us say, faction of Leftist and TMC) decide khaar saaktheey hein sabsheey lokpriya dho(2) MLAs from 2 region of Bengal rotate khaar saktheey hein.
UP sheey rulin coalition 3 sabseey(top most) lokapriya MLA kheey “CM council” bhanayengeey jhoo East, West and Bundhelkhan kooha represent khaareey. Eissey maukaa mhilegaa CM kooha kooha PM council bheey join khaarneey kaaha.

Council of CM main goals kaaha agenda set kharengeey, policies auraha guidelines bhanayegeey Appointed Acting CM kheey phaas full operation power hoogeey for his term.

Some leaders represent state and national level. Once a leader is  part of A. and you are in Council of PM, it will be easy due to B because B (council of CM) will be doing work on your behalf while you are busy with A.

Another need is state level election commission. Both A and B will pave way for direct election of PM and CM by people when time is right. It will end discrimination and non-representation to the highest position.

Respectfully, Please find my me here at

1 comment:

  1. अब MobiKwik ऐप से कर सकते हैं बिलों का भुगतान
