Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Gajendra died as he trusted none out there. Certain forces will make it appear as accident and put it under the carpet. Bose case, some say it is accident. My condolence to  Gajendra who joins the ranks of  Chandra Shekhar Azad and his life should not ended this way. He had better purpose in life. Hope our leaders listen to reason and not force their ways. Gajendra believed in certain cause. And seems he died as he did not fully believe in certain things he was made to do and were against his conscience. Thus his act costed his life.

Let us get to crux of problem why farmers are getting involved in these rallies, THE LAND Acquire BILL.  Some choosing to follow against their conscience and thus not being able to do the drama as their conscience blocks them. No matter who wins, Will not back Ravana Land Acquire Bill even when Ravan sells it as Golden Deer under guise development, growth, progress. We will back Rama Environmental Bill and  Urban-Industrial Land reclaim Bill.

BIGGEST PROBLEM in Corruption elimination is money. When INDIAN see money. They have issues. This is why i said many times !!! WE NEED TO ELIMINATE MONEY FOR 90%. Make them CASH FREED !!!And that means elimination of electronic or non-electronic cash for 90%. Read pages on Cashless cooperatives on this blog.

Before writing more. Let it be made clear, we give opposition to Government be it Modi or someone else AGAINST ILL-ADVISE they receive. Website are full of post by user that fake as friends of Government, Modi and so on to  plant misinformation.

We have to eliminate cash and bring in cooperatives and then apply the free lotion. Our SAGES gave us ALL THAT KNOWLEDGE for free that will set us free as you can read in this blog.

All including Rao and yog and Srini and Venky and pranji and Kiran and mango and chaiwala --
Colonization is so deep into blood of almost ALL INDIANS who are in control. When they see money (electronic or non-electronic) . IT IS like SHARK IN SEA when it sees blood. THEY want to get it by VARIOUS MEANS , BE IT by corruption means, kickbacks,  trap deals for farmer-POOR, un-needed product lures, liquor-drug-lower-pleasure deals and much-much MORE.

WE NEED TO ELIMINATE MONEY FOR 90%. to make them CASH FREED !!!BE it electronic or non-electronic cash. Indians should take tough path to cash freed economy on their own. NETAS-babus-corporate ARE TOO BUSY DOING THE SHOWS and talks and filling their pocket. Or the pocket of their POLITICAL LOOT CARTEL.

Certain big party nexus  want to CONTROL BOTH RULE AND OPPOSITION so they can keep LOOTING over dead bodies of farmers and poor and crushed middle-class fooled by media and shows. Even the TV show and movie express that disgruntle to exploit it to make money (like xyz and yyz project angry man image that makes them money and so forth). AND we want to break exploitation to usher CASHLESS OR NO MONEY or FREE economy like our sages did.

!!!!!SO WHAT SHOULD BE PRIORITY OF Rulers!!! And what do farmers AND PEOPLE need. A LAND PROTECTION BILL and ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION BILL. Not --LAND ACQUIRE BILL---.  Read (A) and (B) below. There are many ways such as SOMETHING LIKE SALINE FARMING BY SALINE WATER PIPES DESCRIBED BEFORE and BELOW. Time will expose all the wrong advise rulers have fallen into for sake of loot cartel and their stooge parties for sake of their MONEY GANG. They are taking over both ruling and fake opposition  to keep their Loot cartel in business!!!!All of them DO SHOWS for media!!!!. Indians should take tough path of cash freed economy on their own. We dont have to FIGHT for more Colonial System and  spin circles within COLONIAL SYSTEM.  Does ruler have guts to consider above. It is TIME TO REDEEM. Ruler could defeat contender in UP due to OBC being a factor.  Now OBC feel betrayed  because of being misinformed on land bill.  Ruler can CORRECT the mistake that were made by earlier Government by passing ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION bill instead of --Land Acquire bill-- and also pass URBAN AND INDUSTRIAL land RECLAMATION BILL. There is so much of wasted land in cities that can be cleaned up, Jhuggi-jhopris turned into proper housing and much more >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> krishnan -- How can we be so naive. People need not use the guise of hospital to take away land, industry to snatch land and many guise. THERE IS SO much of wasted URBAN LAND that can be reclaimed by first erasing the UNHEALTHY BUILDING (ddisease pots) like old-delhi. Places in kolkatta/Mumbai that are disease pit and should be destroyed as well. New construction built and then there will be lot of space for all sorts of things including residence, sports and non-pollute industry(software-packing-etc) as well. Learn from japan when where train arrives at second floor. And in some countries that have multiple floor building, their is GREEN PARK/swimming pool/streams in some middle and to FLOOR (ofcourse with high fence so children dont fall off ) and using light reflecting mirrors from top floor to gain natural light. And there is emergency water passage and thick structure on floor below to prevent damage in case there is a leak of water on floor above. THERE are lot of good ways to use space by keeping healthy environment !!! Thus India does NOT NEED "LAND Acquire BILL", we need ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BILL to save existing forest-rural lands AND urban-industrial land reclaim Bill. Once old places are reclaimed, u can have wider and cleaner roads. Of-course, new and advanced building structure wont help unless we HAVE TRAINED SOCIAL WORKERS who advise people how to live cleaner and healthy with lesser money and how to have healthy mind.

this is reality in India and devastation land acquire bill of past and future have done and will do.....

Cops-bury-head-in-sand-as-agents-of-terror-kill-kidnap-rape-for-profit. It is 10,000 to 15,000 cr illegal SAND MINING MAFIA that is trashing the ENVIRONMENT!!! THERE IS no policy to reclaim these lands made barren. And this mafia runs from uttarkhand to up to MP-Orrisa to maha to karnataka to kerala.

To fake backer of Modi and fake supporters of India. It IS --AWAZ-- IN India and DELHI to bring in Cleaner ENVIRONMENT, they stopped pollution vehicles in delhi for a week, they got CNG in many places of india.. To fakers, how can u know. The fakers are not from here. Even when u are there, u always like to plant misinformation. Hijack someone else work to plant misinformation. Smaller CASHLESS COOPERATIVE around villages as described in pages of the blog will make de-centralization happen. It would be reduction in number of vehicles be it smaller or bigger as people will get all they need from local cashless cooperatives as described in the blogs of CASHLESS COOPERATIVES. It does not matter if the vehicle is old or new, it will emit pollution. That is the nature of the machine and it system. Do voice your support for reduction in pollution and congestion  through CASHLESS cooperatives.


We can make those lands destroyed by sand mafia and many destructive factors into useful lands. Learn from Mekong valley how to do saline water farming when sea is so near to their state. They can have thick cement or ceramic pipelines bring saline water into deeper barren lands to make "mineral rich" and good quality rice and many crops/vegetables. Can learn from grafting over sea mangroves to grow certain fruits and pulses. GAIL has bought gas out of Gujarat coast using gas pipeline into central India. Many states are close as sea as well and some can have extended pipelines. The top layer of sea water has good mineral. Bottom layers of sea water could have un-needed heavy metal... And there can be mesh where sea water is pulled out of sea using solar power to prevent sea organism/algea to be pulled out of sea. Pumping with solar power allows sea water supply to be shut off during repairs or leakage of pipeline. They can also ensure saline water does not seep into soil by making one or more concrete floor over which farming can be done by putting soil over concrete floors. Lower floors can be used for storage/residence/wild bushes/etc.
Certain companies are planting genes into the crop under various guise to take control over the seed of these crop to build dependence. The consequence of such doctoring will have negative consequence like those we have with certain medications. We cannot take such chances.

Earthquake does biggest damage where there is BRICK AND CONCRETE STRUCTURES. Japan has wood homes in earthquake zones. kumar -- We can kill two problems with one stone. Space needing Cold storage can be put in reclaimed urban areas and it will also fix structures prone to earthquakes. And smaller cashless cooperatives can be around villages made with wooden/plywood structures.

News ---80%-of-Delhis and entire -buildings-wont-stand-a-quake...
THIS IS WHAT WE have been shouting to deaf ears. INDIA needs URBAN AND INDUSTRIAL land reclaim bill to FIX OLD structures and build new ones that are better-stronger and create more space for new Urban-industrial needs INSTEAD OF LAND ACQUIRE BILL. India needs to fix existing urban-industrial and public sector space to use it for our needs. Using the space india has already in Urban and Industrial world
Modi wants to end manual scavenging in India...
Just end the Urbanization mindset and thus less slums and that will end manual scavenging..In villages, all the morning things are done outdoor for poor. We can make them more secure by providing outdoor movable and covered fence system.

WHY does Government want to acquire Farm Lands and Forest Lands. Right, u heard me. .I tell these people. Why dig well when there is river. Go through babus who want to acquire farm land and then want to make money by red tape. Why do this when here is plenty and plenty of rotting land in urbanized, industrial and public sector world like railways. Guess what..underground airports and now over building runways with storage and gardens below. The light to below floors can be reflected by mirrors above buildings to below surface. . There is so much more that can be reclaimed from Urban world....Asked them to read the blog. Why even look at farm land..Just give farmers cashless cooperatives as described in blog..

Premkumar---Yes. we should withdraw colonial  ruler like land bill with baksish to weakened and divided kings. Thhen telling the lame and drugged kings, this is good for you and done for your protection and benefit and progress . Thus we need cashless cooperatives.

Decentralized=cashless cooperatives=less useless goods transport=less pollution=more useful sewa karya for small land farmer and worker=less slums=follows our sages=no ravana  land acquire bill=yes to Rama environmental protection bill.

Dont need land bill. Need INDUSTRY AND URBAN LAND RECLAIM BILL. Go ask PM to visit japan with top Industrialist to see how land is used.. India has abundance of urban and industry land misused and not claimed properly. Read my blog as well. Here is  an example. Existing railway land (even platforms) can be used with multiple floor building above. There can be non-polluting factories there and even sports complex and green parks above platforms, etc.
So much misused urban and industry land. No need for land bill, scrap existing land bill.

Why indulge in complexities and number crunching and being a cookie counter. It should all be cashless cooperatives instead of Aadhar card or poverty lines. read all pages of cashlesscooperativesDOTblogspotDOTca
Guidelines for Smart City project likely to be finalised soon.
WHY NOT BREAK DOWN OLD CITIES AND MAKE THEM SMART. It shoulld be part of URBAN AND INDUSTRIAL LAND RECLAIM BILL. smart cities should be limited to less than 10% of economy as it serves no good without cashless cooperatives. remember,TODAY NEW IS TOMORROW OLD. if you cannot change old and rotten lands of today to new cause ....we will end up with all old in few decades ... centre-may-eliminate-poverty-line-to-go-for-aadhar-based-formula. Why indulge in complexities and number crunching and being a cookie counter. It should all be cashless cooperatives instead of Aadhar card or poverty lines. read all pages of cashlesscooperativesDOTblogspotDOTca

US blames Dow flash-crash on British-Indian trader, seeks his extradition.

All the stupid systems including stock market Indians inherited from colonialist and that includes the present system of Government, netas, babus and corporate that includes stock markets.
All these technicalities that can be used and abused in these stock markets. LAWS OVER LAWS.. I AM ALWAYS SUPPORTER OF "DIRECT INVESTMENT INTO COMPANIES". NO TRADING, NO STOCK MARKETS..
And Government backed security or insurance for direct investor.  This  will stop the hoax business. Wrote a big article about it sometime ago. Also, the government ensures that poor who can only afford to buy smaller part of direct investment and should be given preference to invest directly in Government insured and verified business. Cash based colonial economy should include stock market and industry should be limited within 10% only. The colonial system or money based system when more than 10% of economy are instruments of doomsday. 90% should be cashless cooperatives of smaller scale around villages. COMMUNISM AS WELL capitalism as well as radicalism (religion run Governments) and despots are all cash based. Read all pages of  cashlesscooperativesDOTblogspotDOTca
''Kiran Kumar Reddy writing tell-all book.
Thugs are leeching on money flow veins of India like ticks and leeches suck into skin and blood veins of warm blooded. Only way out now is cashless cooperatives. Make it difficult for ticks and leeches to find money vein or cash vein. Or do money juggalary. Such ticks can use faith or any ideology as means to find the money vein.  They can use bank money or investor money to find that vein. Or, through products and so forth. And we don't have issues with it as long people are informed about  better system that is suitable for the majority of Indians.  
''PM Narendra Modi says violence has no future, asks Maoists to shun the gun.
G and M --- You think from a very colonized perspective when blaming one side. It is complex problem left to us due to colonial ways that our leaders aggravated. Following colonial ways means arming, radicalizing and financing all sides. Certain forces ideologically, tactically, financially and weapons wise arm the rebels. They had also setup a system(that Indians made worse) to arm Indian forces to fight rebels. Thus Indian internal forces are part  of colonial system (made aggravated by Indian babus and netas) and colonial system was  inherited from videshi. Thus, through bloodshed and chaos from either side (rebels and indian forces) will at times result in uprooting of tribal faith by alien faith. While at certain places, Indian forces will  make way for promotion of  colonial system (education/corporate/babus/netas-etc) over tribal as it happened to rest of Indians in past. All in name of progress, development and growth. Lot of such problems will go away when we end cash/money from the equation for 90% and that includes tribal and rural zones. Read this blog.

sachaayee --You dont see from tribal world due to colonization. If Aliens say that cut your hand because they just need your brains for everything else is inferior. AND THEN THEY CALL IT DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS. How would u feel when your opposition to cutting your hand is called backward and uneducated behaviour.

Indian forces sophistication is needed for challenges India face from external forces. Internally, Indian should strive to stop poaching of tribal lands under any guise, capturing of farm lands by carrot or stick and so forth. Find ways and means to disarm tribal by helping their native ways instead of both sides gunning one another down.
ET-- Five reasons why rupee fall is good for the economy.
India talking devaluation being good is like aping Chinese economy. What suits Chinese might not be suitable for India. India should focus more on internal demands. Should not fall to wrong advise and go back to wrong economic policies. INDIA SHOULD NOT APE AND MAKE ITSELF EXPORT AND IMPORT ORIENTED economy. India should strive to make itself 90% cashless cooperative to begin with.

Arun Jaitley: In black money hunt, innocent won’t be harassed.

INSURANCE IS selective and the farmer who did suicide are already in too much debt to even pay that. Current leadership like previous one lived in unreal world and advised all sorts of foreign policies on Insurance, pension, etc.  Colonial policies are suited for 10% and should not be expanded any further. In case we continued our Rishis ways that suits India, It would be different. In that case, our Risish would have never allowed insurance and pension as it is selective. They followed a way of life where all were take care of by cashless cooperatives. Our tragedy IS FROM MOVING AWAY FROM INDIAN WAY from long time since middle-east religion and offshoots arrived. what can be done?? WHAT CAN YOU. we have been shouting at deaf ears to get into cashless cooperatives as it suits India. BUT OUR NETAS FROM ALL POLITICAL PARTIES ARE STUCK IN COLONIAL MODEL. BE IT FAKE xyz who forwarded legacy of Nehru industrial temples. End of zamindari system resulted in pauper zamindars and their workers in few decades. The government did not know how to end zamindari system in an indian way and that being cashless cooperatives. Fake xyz are not needed as they ruined india by their senseless imported colonial ways.  The amended Land bill is sugar coated and hopefully there is no need to pass it.

ikpha10 and Vijay Ho--

This sort of breed needs to be kept in government test farm for 5-6 years and then we can see it's feasibility. If we want to use it early, It is also suited for FLOOR FARMING ( as that is not on Land) on barren lands as described in my post. Floor farming means it is a controlled environment and after 10 years of no-ill effect, it can be consumed by larger population.

I HAVE PRAISED THE WORK OF SCIENTIST. India have to follow path of Rishi. YOU KNOW THE the kickback and loot Mafia in India...Unless the system is corrected. Middle-men AND KICKBACK AGENTS will eat us up. I have been writing to deaf ears. India is following colonials system unsuitable for india. ALL THIS IS TRANSIT SCIENCE or lower science. Brings chips on shoulders of few chasing foreign science advances WITH NO BENEFIT for those suffering badly. What will make India really better something that colonized Indians have not been trained. they do not KNOW THE TRUE INDIANS WAY. WE CAN KEEP ON chasing the FOREIGN WAYS and just call helpless farmers and labour class as BIMARU. And feel ourselves as advanced. we need the scientist (part of 10% colonial cash based economy) to make cashless cooperatives happen. Unless our works helps the lowest level, it does not count and will stay as medal in the creamy layer.

GOI is stuck in bringing investment from outside that makes Indians debt ridden and makes a slave consumer-worker class for videshis. Some of those investors want to impose Neo-colonialism that was imposed upon them. No VIDESHI country will invest in something strategic that can make india truly strong. .We need to get this right as well for base security that should also include food and borders (now borders are space as well). News-blazing-sun-bakes-large-parts-of-india-heat-wave-claims-dozens-of-lives-el-nino-emerges. WE CAN harness all THIS blazing SUN into solar electricity to power ENTIRE ASIA. Also, blazing Sun with special solar panels reflecting light to Hydroponics farms below using Saline water (pumped using solar power into India) can do wonders for India. Scientists-in-Chhattisgarh-develop-high-zinc-rice-that-may-play-crucial-role-in-fighting-malnutrition. DRR, hyedrabad. We need such rice to grow in saline water as well like how they grow Rice in Mekong valley. We can bring in tons of saline water pumped by pipes ( below the ground/surface concrete-ceramic-etc replaceable pipes) using solar energy into remote places in India. GAIL already pumps gas via above the surface pipes that can be made below the surface. Ground Soil can be protected having concrete floors (FLOOR FARMING ) with top soil from organic manure made from earthworms OR Something like Hydroponics using saline water ( By 1842, a list of nine elements believed to be essential to plant growth had been compiled, and the discoveries of the German botanists Julius von Sachs and Wilhelm Knop, in the years 1859-65, resulted in a development of the technique of soilless cultivation.). -now videshis(that includes chinkis-ghoras-etc) will take such stuff to doctor it for themselves or import such scientist to make something like texmati made out of basmati. Videshi will offer fellowship and even technique for GMO tempering into such crop to better it such as to gain access into desi scientist work. Back to bigger scenario. Japanese use the LCD material discovered by bangalore scientist. LASER first developed by indians has been advanced by Americans into all sorts of things including weapons...The scientist who developed LCD material could also develop better Solar cells that allow light for crops below and electricity as well. Such solar cells in panels can protect crops from hail and un-seasonal rain and water sprinkled on crops being dried up and much more.... At-least part of the crops can be protected once something like this is developed. And usher in cashless cooperative to better life of lower section , NOT MNERGA and useless social programs that DONT SUIT INDIAN STYLE ECONOMY and destroy lower level economy.


. It has become reality that a fish that used to swim in clean water has to find ways to survive in polluted water. We cannot live how our Rishis made it happen for us. Whereas Iceland goes money freed in big way taking on our rishis wisdom and owning it as their own. Read Facebook and icelandfree //We do feel bad that no recognition goes to DSji. But our fellow revolutionary DSji has no issues with it. He is noble person. He wont even take a Noble price if that was offered to him, pass it on to someone else who needs accolades.
And another copy cat site is "The Free World Charter" where XYZ and their stooges want their face on everything good !!!
when DSji started fighting for Tribal rights about how fake conservationist are actually setting up a demand system for poaching. And Very soon, organized XYZ and stooges started survival international org to put their face onto it, capitalize it and make money from it.
Bhaskar --
Foreign colonial product and imported modern Industrial temples of Nehru model that all netas follow under various guise has failed india. given pollution, LESSER GREEN TO BRING KILLING WAVE, congestion,, stress, heart attacks and much more negatives.

Fastest to milestone, big-hitting Gayle takes chill pill off the field.

Marijuana has health benefit when eaten (or applied as lotion) as medicines in regulated quantity (not addictive quantity and smoke form). It is destructive when taken in for addiction. thus, scientist have removed the addictive portions from marijuana and have regulated the useful portions. In olden time, Rishis would prescribe these substances as well in a very controlled manner for various ailments and that included mental issues and severe pain. Now hippies from abroad went berserk with all these herbs and used it destructively. Started a narcotic trade with opium-ghanja-bhang-etc. Made it a party drug. Party hard is not a indian way to win. And even videshi differentiate between sobers and party berserk kind.
Coming to health and fitness. videshi companies are replicating the chemicals within useful TRADITIONAL herbs and manufacturing it artificially and making lot of money. Indian copycats sell those drugs either by license or by patent violation. Such artificial chemicals can have ill effects. So why cannot desis take the HERBS in it's original form prescribed traditionally?
look at how indian GREEDY COMPANIES replicated VIDESHI anti-biotics and now biologic drugs AND MANY lethal drugs to destroy the immune system. livers, heart, intestine, lungs, vein and kidneys of millions of indians. Now even Ayurvedic companies are follow videshi style productised/packaging ways. Because WE INDIAN live a colonial way of life instead of cashless cooperative way where vaidya/hakeem/healer would make all that we needed for treatment right before our eyes.
MAJORITY OF INDIA needs what our true freedom fighters fought for and that being cashlesscooperativesDOTblogspotDOTin not colonized economy suited for videshis.
brahmadeo prasad gupta--- private parties quite like babus and netas doing the unfinished work of colonialist by enhancing their colonial system for their own personal gains and calling it philanthropy. BUILDING A FULLY COLONIZED INDIA. Private parties includes corporates as well.


News-American-media-critical-of-Narendra-Modis-first-year-in-power. It is not a USA problem if we live on foreign/imported parameters to judge ourselves. ...Colonial nations can only exploit INDIA AS LONG WE FOLLOW COLONIAL SYSTEM. if u live in sea SYSTEM, cannot escape the sharks. Modi is small part of existing problem. PROBLEM IS THE colonial SYSTEM INDIANS FOLLOW. Many are on perpetual cocaine. As i said to Iksvakutsen about Swacch Bharat.. News-PM Modi called for Swacch Bharat a year ago, but India remains as filthy as ever. Iksvakutsen ----Modernised? chasing a mirage that promise something much better than what Indian and world used to live has certainly failed all of us. We get Modernized cancer, stress, pollution, traffic jams, obesity, heart attacks, concrete slums, suicides, drugs ....the list of hell is big and gets bigger. What the F the world got promised and what they got. All organized religions and offshoots including radical ones promised heaven and gave more hell. LET US LEAVE THE whatever small tribals that are left alone. All they need to know is control their population per their resources and their LANDS not poached in the name of civilizing them, modernizing them, growth, education, conservation, acquisition of land for national security, etc. etc. ENOUGH OF HELL PROLIFERATION. this is what indian freedom fighter fought for cashlesscooperativesDOTblogspotDOTin and that was hijacked to plant stooges. Where do u think i or DSji have not travelled. Almost all the major countries and all the continents. Read the blog. We can keep on blaming hawkers, paanwala, pollution centres. And more. THINGS WILL NOT CHANGE unless India goes back to what suits MAJORITY OF INDIA and move away from failed imported and colonial vision of Nehru and successive Government have pushed it under various garbs



Totally ban CHEMICAL FARMING & GM. Implement NATURAL FARMING using DUNG and URINE of DESI COWS and BULLS strictly. Within 5 years HEAT WAVES will vanish
We agreed and add -
Things will only get worse with current system. we need greener approach everywhere at every nook and corner of india as written below. Enough of approach that Netas under various guise take from Nehru Industrial temple model be it public or private sector. cashless cooperatives can make correction happen as they will do a lot with sewa bhava in a better system as outlined in cashlesscooperativesDOTblogspotDOTin

this would not be the case had the nation gone GREEN AND CASHLESS COOPERATIVE instead of being Industrial temples product society of Nehru that all netas copy under various guise.

cashless cooperatives is only way suited for india to ignite the nation.Research in saline water farming like Mekong valley.

BRING CASHLESS COOPERATIVES back to life so lower level India can have better life. with cashless cooperative, once india can get into saline water farming in bigger way for crops and certain citrus fruits, vegetables(start with diluted saline water) by having saline water pumped into deeper areas of india by solar powered concrete/ceramic pipelines. Surface water of sea has lesser heavy metals and there can be a filter-mesh to prevent sea organism into the piper.  We can use regular water for drinking. What more, dew water extraction/farming (or water from air) is big in certain places of South-Africa. Doing such things at larger scale can make india produce food for entire Asia.

''India set to become water scarce country by 2025: Report--

Heard that coconut trees are tolerant to saline water. which means coconut water which is so healthy can be available when there is shortage of drinking water apart from dew water or water from air. Research an prove how Coconut tree roots filter out saline water.

'And if there is need for little natural water. Dew harvesting or water from air can be produced to provide to coconut trees at night (lesser evaporation by sun). I would say, lot of research need to be done on grafting useful non-saline fruit trees over sea swamp mangroves that are saline water resistant. We always hear success of grafting imported roses over wild rose stems/plant


  1. We have withdrawn form political parties. That was not the case in past. At certain time during first term of bjp, we promoted the concept of BRICS bank and forward currency blocks and so forth. And global indian banks. Things changed as we realized what will not work for colonized world like india. For india looks uncolonized from outside only. Now, there is better way for India which can be cashless cooperatives for 90% economy .BRICs can be part of 10% cash economy. For cash based economy is suited for colonial world, not colonized nations like India.

    At that time in past, we also wrote about "Currency is trust" and sent that to FM office. At that made it made Yashwant go to Breton Woods.
    We did write a lot about Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Doctrine since nobody was prepared for BJP publicly announcing the nuclear test and it's success.

    Someone else can take credit for war on hills and reduction of casualty on both sides of the border. It is our desh-bhakt who told bjp to use planes early for kargil instead of killing soldier by millions on up-climb to stop repeat of Chinese defeat. When kargil happened. Our desh bhakt resigned from job outside india and contacted the BJP office. Although they never gave him credit or acknowledge. Instead, they made story that Nehru was told the same. Desh Bhakt knew india will try same mistakes as they did with china. He thinks pakistan being divided out of india is loss for both india and pakistan to benefit videshi agenda. Since china victory last time, china has made lot of advances.

    Use of Air-force and different tactics early during the war game reduced the casualty for both India and Pakistan. Hope Indian leadership was wiser in past. They could have come up with joint arm forces command after partition tamed into old India. If that could not happen, when India won war, India could have worked a way to manage border security of all neighboring nations and used trade money tax to finance the border security. Thus , 2 armies are not needed on the border especially with nations who are our own converts and non-converts.

  2. अब MobiKwik ऐप से कर सकते हैं बिलों का भुगतान
